Chunk / Social Platform

My Role: Platform Creator and Design Strategist
Logo Designer: Tatjana Petkovic

A platform to highlight meaningful work.
I call it the LinkedIn of “passion projects.” This is for all your other work that isn’t necessarily for business. This platform highlights personal projects that will help a person gather relevant information to further materialize their ideas, and then be able to share it back to others in their network. This is more specific to the activity itself and not the user, chunk projects can be connected to other chunk projects directly, without having to connect to a profile.

Three core components of meaningful work:

1) the degree to which people find their work to have significance and purpose

2) the contribution work makes to finding broader meaning in life

3) the desire and means for one’s work to make a positive contribution to the greater good 

(see citation below)

Problem: I work and create many passion projects in my life (music, cooking, app developing). How can I connect and display them in one central place?

Insight: We need to define a passion projects as meaningful work (see definition on left), and foster characteristics of flow, play, and “chunking” (see figure 1).

Execution: Building a platform with an interface architecture that is more specific to the activity/project itself and not the user, chunk projects and collaborators can be connected to other chunk projects directly, without having to connect to a profile. By doing so, connections have a clearer goal and a closer proximity to collaborative meaning.

Steger, M. F., Dik, B. J., & Duffy, R. D. (2012). Measuring Meaningful Work: The Work and Meaning Inventory (WAMI)

[Abstract]. Journal of Career Assessment, 3-4. doi:10.1177/1069072711436160

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